Monday, June 30, 2008

Your Head Start to Internet Riches

GorillaMillions is your head start to internet riches, the riches and the lifestyle that await you will amaze you! Imagine hundreds and thousands of people from all walks of life, from all over the world all creating a feeding frenzy so big that everybody can make millions in commissions ... and even more .. that's GorillaMillions! And you don't even have to sponsor anybody to get paid! You can earn up to $1,950.00 a month with absolutely NO OUTSIDE ENROLLING REQUIREMENTS!*

We give you everything you need to succeed with us. You get a free short url service with tracking, a huge web graphics package, a viral marketing center and private label rights with sales tools and pages to promote them (will be added during launch phase). That's four huge sales products and tools, just one of these alone would cover the cost of membership -- so you get 4x your money's worth! We give you more than enough incentive to use the tools, even free training! It's a cash magnet and a feeding frenzy! The products are fantastic online viral marketing tools and the income is free to try so it can and will only grow if you let us help you grow it!

It's a slam dunk! A no brainer! A newbie's and a marketers dream all wrapped up in one tidy package! If you want to make even more*, all you have to do is show your friends your web site and tell them how much you are earning and you will get lots of people to follow you into GorillaMillions. Watch our MoneyPools getting bigger and fatter every minute of every day! System wide it can add up to millions of dollars in commissions! And all members get paid! Placement means nothing ... we share our profits with everybody! We threw out the mlm model for three ways to get paid that's fair to everybody! No phoney matrixes or pay plans that make all the money for the top builders! It's a no work slam dunk dream come true!

GorillaMillions is making history! And all you have to do is try us, upgrade for a quarter and watch the money grow right before your eyes. Then you will be convinced! Nobody in the world does what we do! With many years of experience, and lots of programming tricks we have found a way so that every member can beat the system and get a head start in building your dream come true with a head start in GorillaMillions! And it doesn't stop there! We are just getting started!

We are also about multiple internet income streams! Worldwide this frenzy will create more internet millionaires than the stock exchanges did for no work in the 1980's and 1990's! Our staff is constantly combing the internet for the hottest internet income opportunities to offer to our members. Most are FREE TO TRY and others are as inexpensive as a dollar to try! And although they are completely OPTIONAL at all times, you will NEVER EVER find a staff so hungry to

Each additional offer builds on the first one and the next one and so on. We have members earning in over 20 income streams. And it all starts with just you and a quarter. Nothing more and nothing less. Don't want to see our more money options? No sweat! Enjoy your GorillaMillions income and do nothing more. You are never obligated to do a thing! But if you want to start building a massive full time business, you will want to hear what we have for you, how it works and why it works!

You see, although we offer a big income opportunity with GorillaMillions alone, we want you to stop worrying about the price of gas, the cost of keeping your bills paid, the spiraling credit crisis and housing bust and want you to start to focus on your life being fun again! When was the last time you had any fun with your family? Took a vacation. Time off. Told your boss to shove it. Went on a shopping spree. A cruise. A long vacation? We are not trying to tell you to dream your life away, we are going to help you get all of this and a lot more!

All you have to do is follow our lead and let our staff take terrific care of you. Listen to what we have to offer and take advantage of it. And take our GorillaMillions. Take them! We work on a very tight profit margin so the more customers, the bigger the pools, the more we spend, the happier we are. We do it all for our customers, break the mold, stop the insanity, and stop the madness of internet program hopping. Stop, look, listen to our staff and our wonderful founders, come to our online meetings and hear how we all started on a shoestring and make unbelieveable incomes. And now it's your turn. Nothing can be closer than the truth. It's finally your turn to make a profit and much, much, much more with Gorilla Millions!

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gorilla Millions!

Establish A Lifetime Of Immediate Income Streams that grow to new heights with new enrollees every day! And A “Walk Away Income” With The GorillaMillions System! You get paid in bonus pools and our generous monthly member rebates, yes EVERY MEMBER INCLUDING YOU, just by upgrading .. it's a GUARANTEED INCOME that can grow every week!

It's the only system in the world that offers this kind of viral placement! And everybody really gets paid once they upgrade every month! Nobody in the world offers the kind of value and profits we offer our upgraded members, 100 per cent profits and complete set up on reselling our products comes free with upgraded membership and it could make you very rich by learning a few twists and turns and getting traffic with our sister companies training, you could end up being a professional marketer starting with a small expense of just a quarter!

By Upgrading Now You're Immediately Positioned In the Next Highest Spot Of Our Generous Team Powerline that feeds everybody with up to five income streams! Everybody who comes in after you is under you .. forever! AND YOU CAN START WITH JUST A QUARTER!

Do This Before The NEXT PERSON Does In Our System And All Your Membership And Company Fees Can Be Paid For Quickly! But It's First Come, First Served, You Better ACT FAST Or You’re Leaving Money On The Table!

This INCOME pays for most Of your membership and up to 5 other free or very inexpensive other immediate income streams in our affiliate marketing companies and ingenious 5 way pay plan. Plus you get 100 per cent of all resales when you upgrade of our members tools! It's exclusive, it's cool and it's only by the folks at GorillaMillion!Don't Delay! Upgrade Today!